Training dataset for RFSoC Modulation Classification



Training/Testing dataset for NEWCAS 2023 paper "Streaming Convolutional Neural Network FPGA Architecture for RFSoC Data Converters".

The data is serialised using the python package 'pickle'. Make sure 'numpy' and 'pickle' are installed before loading the dataset into python.

'training_data.pkl' is the data used to train the neural network in Tensorflow. This data has been transmitted and received from DAC to ADC via an RF loopback cable.

'transmit_data_rfsoc.pkl' is the data used to test the deployed neural network on the RFSoC. This data is the pre-transmission data to be sent by the DAC.

Please use the contact email provided here to request access.
Date made available2 May 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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