Thiazole-induced rigidification in substituted dithieno-tetrathiafulvalene: the effect of planarisation on charge transport properties

  • Rupert Taylor (Creator)
  • Joseph Cameron (Contributor)
  • Peter Skabara (Supervisor)



All data relating to compounds 1 and 2 in the pulication: Proton and carbon NMR data (.fid), high resolution mass spectroscopy (pdf scans), Atomic Force Microscopy raw data, cyclic voltammetry raw data (.txt), DFT calculation output files (.txt/FCHK files), OFET raw data (excel ffiles), TGA data (excel files) and UV-Vis data (origin file).

Data created under the following projects: (EP/I029141) (EP/L012200/1). high resolution mass spectrometry data from the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University.
Date made available25 Feb 2016
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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