Dataset related to M. Lappa and T. Burel (2020), Symmetry Breaking Phenomena in Thermovibrationally Driven Particle Accumulation Structures, Physics of Fluids (ISSN: 1070-6631), 32(5), 053314 (23 pages)
DOI: 10.1063/5.0007472
The data contained into the main folder illustrate the relationship between the particle structure size and/or formation time and the various problem parameters (vibration frequency and amplitude, particle/fluid density ratio). These data can be visualised using MS Excel or an equivalent software. The data contained in the subfolders represent the 2D or 3D velocity fields and related particle distribution. These data (.dat) can be visualised using Tecplot or any equivalent software (able to read data structured as 'coordinate variable X, Y, Z, velocity component along x, y, z, etc.').