Overview of files:
X Metadata for the Supplementary infomation
S1 Participant Sheet
The sheet provided to participants which described the task and contained the participant questionnaire.
S2 Individual responses to the participant questionnaire Tabulated responses to the participant questionnaire.
S3 Individual exercises for workshop participants The workbook provided for individual tasks in workshop 1 and 2.
S4 Group exercises for workshop participants The workbook provided for group tasks in workshop 1 and 2.
S5 Linear scanline data_ws and field The raw data and derived fracture statistics for all linear scanlines undertaken both in the field and in the workshop.
S6 Field circular scanline data The raw data and derived fracture statistics for circular scanlines undertaken in the field.
S7 Workshop circular scanline data. The raw data and derived fracture statistics for circular scanlines undertaken in both workshops.
S8 Workshop window sampling data. The raw data and derived fracture statistics for circular scanlines undertaken in both workshops.
S9 Digitised fracture traces and nodes for circle 8 Circle 8 digitised fracture nodes and Nc points for participants from both workshops and fracture traces for those who marked them on the sheet.
Data embargo until 30/04/2020
Date made available | 18 Apr 2019 |
Publisher | University of Strathclyde |
Temporal coverage | 23 Jul 2018 - 14 Dec 2018 |
Date of data production | 23 Jul 2018 - 14 Dec 2018 |
Geographical coverage | Data collected in the field just North of Whitley Bay, NE England and in workshops undertaken in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde and at the Sapienza University, Rome. |