Sub Acute Rumen Acidosis (SARA): a study relating rumen pH value and low activity.



This archive contains collar based accelerometer data that was used to identify changes in animal behaviour associated with the onset of SARA as determined by a drop in rumen pH value measured using a rumen pH bolus.

The measurements were made on cattle at Cochno farm Oct to Dec 2015. These are associated with rumen pH measurements. Where there are strong rumination pH changes, these can often be associated higher incidences of low activity. This is currently being analysed.

The experiments took place between Oct-Dec 201. Additional data is provided running to March 2016.
Date made available2 Nov 2016
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Oct 2015 - 30 Mar 2016
Geographical coverageG81 5QL
Geospatial point55.940376,-4.4096437Show on map

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