StrathSpace model outputs for MEESO




Folders "m0_no-fishing", "m1_SUF", "m2_FFRc" and "m3_FFRc+mask" contain long-term outputs from the spatial
population dynamic model, StrathSpace, for both mesopelagic species Benthosema glaciale and Maurolicus
muelleri. Each folder corresponds to a specific model setting for fishing mortality, which are:
- m0: no fishing
- m1: spatially uniform fishing model (SUF) where fishing mortality is the same in any location of the
spatial domain.
- m2: fishing functional response type III with effort reallocation (FFRc), model where fishing activity
and effort is concentrated in areas of high population density.
- m3: model using both FFRc and a fishing mask which restricts the fishing activity to areas within a 460m
distance from ports (FFRc+mask).
These long-term models were ran from 1980 to 2098 with a spin-up period of 30 years.
In each model folder and for each model run, a set of figures (including length distributions, time series,
spatial distributions) is available in the "figures" subfolder.

The "yield-curves" folder include key figures from outputs used in producing annual yield curves between
1980 and 2097 with a 3-year interval.


The following files give details on the model's options (with default values) and define the model's spatial

Description of model parameters for StrathSpace:
- model-opts_def.txt

Mesh and mask file (including approximation of cell surface (areas in km^2) for density calculations):
Date made available9 Feb 2024
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Temporal coverage1980 - 1998
Date of data production1 Feb 2023 - 30 Nov 2023
Geographical coverageNortheast Atlantic

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