Source code for: "Reconstruction and Validation of Arterial Geometries from 4D Flow-MRI Images for CFD: A Novel Approach"



Purpose: The purpose of this code is to combine several DICOM stacks on a slice-by-slice basis to create a new dataset. Specifically, this script was used to combine 3 DICOM stacks of human aortae which were created from 4D Flow-MRI data at discrete time steps (systolic acceleration, peak systole, systolic deceleration). The resultant dataset is therefore a temporal composite which combines each of these time-steps.
This code can be altered to combine any number of time steps.

Matlab version 2020b
Date made available25 Jan 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Jun 2021 - 31 Dec 2021

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