Research data supporting "Defect structures in (001) zincblende GaN/3C-SiC nucleation layers"

  • Petr Vacek (Contributor)
  • Martin Frentrup (Contributor)
  • Lok Yi Lee (Contributor)
  • Fabien Massabuau (Contributor)
  • Menno J Kappers (Contributor)
  • David J. Wallis (Contributor)
  • Roman Gröger (Contributor)
  • Rachel A Oliver (Contributor)



The data file "facet angle AFM" contains the full datasets of facet angles measured by AFM of a nominally 3 nm-thick annealed GaN NL grown on 3C-SiC. The individual islands have been approached by front of the AFM tip along the fast scan direction, which was along [110] (along the short axis of the islands). Linescans have been taken parallel to fast scan direction in direction of the approaching tip. Angles have been measured between the facets and the surrounding surface.
To determine the facet angle of the other site of the islands, the sample has been rotated by 180° prior to another AFM measurement.

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Date made available16 Dec 2022
PublisherApollo Cambridge

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