Representative dynamic responses for the performance evaluation of measurement-based identification techniques

  • Mazheruddin Hussain Syed (Creator)
  • Efren Guillo Sansano (Creator)
  • Eleftherios O. Kontis (Creator)



These data contain dynamic responses of high-, medium-, and low-voltage
power systems recorded through PMU devices. The dynamic responses were
generated using a power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) setup and they can
be used to evaluate the performance of measurement-based mode
identification techniques and dynamic equivalent models. A detailed
description of the PHIL setup as well as potential applications for the
utilization of the data can be found in [A].

[A] Kontis, E. O., Syed, M. H., Guillo Sansano, E., Papadopoulos, T. A., Burt, G., & Papagiannis, G. (2019). Power hardware-in-the-loop setup for developing, analyzing and testing mode identification techniques and dynamic equivalent models. Paper presented at 13th IEEE PowerTech 2019, Milano, Italy.
Date made available20 Mar 2019
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2018

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