Red, or orange and green Flexi-glass CQD colour converters for LED-based VLC



Note that the term "Flexi-glass" in the title of this dataset should instead read "PMMA" as the dat set relates to colloidal quantum dots incorporated into a PMMA matrix.

The data is in the form of csv file, their names identified by the respective figure of the paper in which they are utilised. They represent data from the characterisation of colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) for colour-converting InGaN blue-emitting microsize light-emitting diodes (microLEDs) in visible light communications (VLC). They also include modeling data utilized in the discussion of the CQD material characteristics. Details of csv files are available in the Read_me file provided.

Dataset associated with the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics manuscript entitled "Gb/s visible light communications with colloidal quantum dot color converters". Please note that Figure 3 and the related model for the spectrum calculation has been updated in the final publication. The data of the updated Figure 3 can be found in the Dataset "RGB CQD?PMMA colour-converter for LED-based VLC"
Date made available31 Mar 2017
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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