The dataset contains the following 3 files:
1. IR Data (zip file)
2. NMR Data (zip file)
3. X-Ray raw data (zip file)
The dataset relates to research reported in the manuscript in the title, carried out as part of the EPSRC funded (EP/S029788/1) project in collaboration with Prof. Martyn Coles group in Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (Funding for the Martyn Coles group: Government funding from the Marsden Fund Council, managed by Royal Society Te Apārangi; Grant Number: MFP-VUW2020).
Please note that the NMR data requires a specialist program such as Topspin or Mestrelab, and the X-Ray data (.cif) requires a program such as Olex or Mercury to view. The IR data can be viewed using Origin software.