Primary data for the star-shaped oligofluorene materials with a tetraphenylethylene core

  • Oleksandr Kanibolotskyy (Creator)
  • Peter Skabara (Creator)



The dataset contains all the figures in origin (for plots, can be accessed by Origin Lab software) and graphic (for photos, can be accessed by any graphic software such as photoshop, paintbrash etc) formats, all the NMR spectra folders (created by TopSpin software developed by Bruker Biospin, can be accessed either with the latter or with Mestre Nova NMR data processing and presentation package (Mestrelab) or with ACD/Labs software) to be published as the paper (Fluorene-containing tetraphenylethylene molecules as lasing materials) along with the main manuscript and supporting information files in the Microsoft Office Word format.
Date made available4 Oct 2016
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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