Oxidation and decomposition of hexagonal boron nitride coatings on industrially relevant alloy substrates



This data set contains the raw data that underpinned the two papers: "Oxidation-led decomposition of hexagonal boron nitride coatings on alloy substrates at 900degC: chromia Formers" and "Oxidation-led decomposition of hexagonal boron nitride coatings on alloy substrates at 900degC: Ti-6Al-4V".
This research was internally funded and was conducted to further investigate fundamental phenomena that were discovered during industrially oriented CR&D research funded by Rolls-Royce and Catapult (Strategic Affordable Manufacturing in the UK through Leading Environmental Technologies II (SAMULET II)- December 2012 - December 2015).
The data is from scanning electron microscopy (FEI Quanta), x-ray diffraction (Bruker D8 Advance), electron probe microanalysis (Oxford Instruments), thermal gravimetric analysis (Netszch STA 449 F1 Jupiter) and exists in the respective "as generated" formats.
Date made available2 Jun 2020
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data productionJul 2015 - Jul 2018

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