Older Adults Text-entry Studies (OATS):
Our goal was to capture participants’ typing behaviour during input in a lab setting, to try out the Highlighting Keyboard concept. Participants undertook copy, compose and describe tasks. The compose and describe tasks were given specific context (scenarios) which were designed to apply pressure (time and social context) to participants, to see if context affects user input behaviour in a lab setting.
Study date
November 2014
Data and Analysis
NASA data: data from the NASA-TLX questionnaires
TEES data: data collected from the TEES application
Audio recordings and photos: audio and photographs from the sessions
Session discussions: researchers’ notes during the sessions
Study materials
Intro form highlighting study: intro questionnaire given to participants
Participant condition allocation: task order for participants
Photos: images used in describe tasks
Post-study questionnaire: NASA-TLX and questionnaires given after each task type
Session plan: details of the session
Task sheets: details of tasks given to participants
Workshop slides: slides presented during the session
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