New engineering design processes through humour



This data set includes recordings and field notes from a series of design workshops conducted between 12th October 2015 and 12th April 2017.

The data were collected as part of the EPSRC/AHRC project ‘New Engineering Design Processes through Constructs of Humour’ (EP/N00597X/1). This research set out to explore how constructs of humour may be applied to the early phase of the design process, with a view to enhancing team creativity when solving complex design problems. Workshops were conducted with design practitioners, students and humourists to develop, validate and test a new group ideation method based on the principles and processes of improvised comedy.

The data include audio (.mp3) and video (.mp4) recordings of the workshops, and photographs of recorded ideas (.jpg). Field notes are stored as Microsoft Word files (.docx). Full details on data formats and filing system are available in the README file.
Date made available31 Oct 2016
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production12 Oct 2015 - 12 Apr 2017
  • Engage with Strathclyde

    Hatcher, G. (Participant)

    5 May 2017

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course

  • Podcast guest

    Hatcher, G. (Interviewee)

    Nov 2016

    Activity: Public Engagement and OutreachMedia Participation

  • 10th International Conference on Design and Emotion

    Hatcher, G. (Participant)

    30 Sept 2016

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference

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