Multi risk index estimated on a selection of waste facilities in Great Britain



Dataset relevant to the text in chapter 3 of the PhD thesis: "An index-based risk assessment for flood impact on waste management facilities for accidental contaminant release in flood waters." The dataset reports the estimated multi risk index per waste facilities based on vulnerability, hazard and exposure. The "VulnerabilityCriteria" sheet showes the criteria (already reported in chapter 3) chosen to describe the vulnerability of waste activities with the related values and weights. The "TOTAL_RISK_estimation" sheet reports the process of index estimation for each waste activities considered. The formulas contained in the excel file guide the reader. Additional information and reference to original datasets are available in chapter 3.
Date made available16 Jun 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Temporal coverage1 Jan 2019 - 16 Jun 2023
Date of data production1 Feb 2023

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