Model of the Preterm Eye

  • Nigel M Bolster (Creator)
  • Mario Giardini (Contributor)



Model of the preterm eye between 28 and 52 weeks post-menstrual age. To generate models for ages within the aforementioned range execute the script contained in 'Preterm_eye.zpl' from 'Neonatal_Eye_Retinal Image_all_ages_GRIN_1.2_start__pos.zmx' in Zemax OpticStudio. To re-run the simulation that arrived at this model execute the script contained in 'Preterm_eye_lens_dims_sim.zpl' from 'Neonatal_Eye_Retinal Image_all_ages_GRIN_1.2_start__pos.zmx' using the merit function contained in 'Preterm_RE_Final.MF'.

The model makes use of the code for the age-dependent model of the crystalline lens contained in 'NewGrin.dll' and which is described in:
Navarro R, Palos F, González L. Adaptive model of the gradient index of the human lens. I. Formulation and model of aging ex vivo lenses. JOSA A. 2007 Aug 1;24(8):2175-85.
Date made available16 Jun 2017
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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