A data set of a group of volume reconstructions of X-ray Computer Tomography scans of carbon fibre composite specimens subjected to different loading scenarios. The XCT scans were conducted at the National Research Facility for Lab X-ray CT (NXCT) at the µ-VIS X-ray Imaging Centre, University of Southampton, through EPSRC grant EP/T02593X/1.
These volumes constitute part of the outputs of my PhD with the title: Additive layers to suppress delamination in composite laminates.
A readme.txt file is provided with instructions for visualisation of the scanned volumes.
There are 10 scanned samples.
Composite laminates with edge impacts: 1 sample without and 1 with binding for 5 J energy impact. 1 sample without and 1 with binding for 10 J energy impact, and 1 sample without and 1 with binding for 15 J energy impact.
Composite laminates with open holes: 1 sample without and 1 with binding.
Pin-loaded composite laminates: 1 sample without and 1 with binding.
Data embargo until 19/05/2024