MICE Reconstruction Data



MICE, the international Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment, is a project to design, construct, operate and test a cell of a muon ionisation cooling channel that may be used for a future Muon Collider or Neutrino Factory.

The object of the MICE experiment is to take a beam of muons created from protons from the ISIS accelerator hitting a titanium target and to show that it is possible to create a narrow intense beam, using detector techniques from particle physics.

The RECO data is the processed RAW output containing information about space points, particle tracks and so on, presented as tarballed ROOT files. It has been unpacked and reconstructed using the indicated version of the official software (MAUS) with the appropriate geometry information. Further analysis, e.g. derivation of beam parameters such as emittance, will again require MAUS.

External deposit with Brunel University London (Figshare)
Date made available11 Mar 2019
PublisherBrunel University
Date of data production1 Jan 2016 - 23 Dec 2017

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