Mechanical testing after I-ECAP at 250 C and 200 C

  • Michal Zbigniew Gzyl (Creator)
  • Andrzej Rosochowski (Data Manager)



Datasets (CSV files) from mechanical testing of fine-grained AZ31B magnesium alloy obtained by I-ECAP at 250 C and 200 C. Mechanical properties were investigated using an Instron 5969 testing machine with the maximum load capacity 50 kN. Tension and compression tests were carried out at room temperature with the initial strain rate equal to 1, 10-3 s-1. All specimens were cut out along ED. Flat tensile specimens, with thickness equal to 2 mm and dimensions of the gauge section 2.5 mm, 14 mm, were machined using wire electrical discharge machining (EDM).Height and diameter of the compression specimens were 8 mm and 7 mm, respectively.

This dataset relates to the EPSRC funded SAMULET Project 4 Task 4.3.1 and Task 4.3.2 (EP/G03477X/1).
Date made available22 Apr 2015
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production3 Sept 2012

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