Legislative Professionalism V1.1.1



Dataset contains measures of legislative professionalism components over the time period of study. Each component is measured separately by biennium and is presented in detail in Bowen and Greene (2014). We measure legislative expenditures, legislator salary, and session length (both regular and special sessions) from the 1973/4 biennium to the 2013/14 biennium (off-year election states run from 1974/5 to 2012/13). Dataset also includes 1st and 2nd dimension professionalism scores created through multidimensional scaling, as explained in Bowen and Greene (2014). (2018-05-23).

CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

External deposit with Harvard Dataverse
Date made available19 Feb 2020
PublisherHarvard Dataverse
Date of data production23 May 2018

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