Investigating the pollution content of trade flows and the importance of 'environmental trade balances' in addressing the problem of climate change



A crucial issue in addressing the problem of climate change is the impact of trade flows on any one country's domestic emissions generation (what governments are responsible for reducing under the Kyoto Protocol). Moreover, since human consumption decisions are commonly considered to lie at the heart of climate change problems, attention is increasingly turning to accounting measures such as carbon footprints, which measure emissions produced globally to meet local consumption demand. In response to this, it has become increasingly common to use appropriately augmented input-output accounts (produced as a component of national accounts in most industrialised countries) to measure emissions under different accounting principles and to estimate 'trade balances' in emissions in a multi-sector, multi-region context.

The purpose of this Fellowship is to facilitate the application of such techniques at a sub-national regional level (with applications for the UK and US) and to develop appropriate modelling frameworks to analyse the impacts of changes in policy and other disturbances on pollution trade balances. This will involve application and development of inter-regional computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling techniques and collaboration with a number of data providers and other researchers in the fields of input-output analysis, economic modelling, regional and environmental science. The dataset available here is the underlying input-output tables that we used both for input-output analyses and to calibrate our CGE model in the project.

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.
Date made available10 Aug 2017
PublisherUK Data Service
Date of data production1 Oct 2008 - 31 Dec 2010

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