Influence of low-temperature resistivity on fast electron transport in solids: scaling to fast ignition electron beam parameters



This dataset contains two types of files. These are:
(1) *.dat files. These files contain the data plotted in the figures in the corresponding publication. Resinp_Li_caseA.dat, for example, is the resistivity curve for Li case A plotted in figure 1 of the paper.
(2) *.in files. These files are the input files for the Zephyros code used to simulate the fast electron transport. The corresponding results for, for example, are plotted in figure 2.

This dataset relates to the EPSRC funded project Advanced laser-ion acceleration strategies towards next generation healthcare (EP/K022415/1) and the EPSRC funded research fellowship Multi-PetaWatt laser-Plasma Interactions: A New Frontier in Physics (EP/J003832/1).

This dataset also relates to the publication 'Influence of low-temperature resistivity on fast electron transport in solids scaling to fast ignition electron beam parameters' published in the journal Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.

The files associated with this dataset are embargoed until 1 April 2015 and will be available here beyond this date.
Date made available1 Apr 2015
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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