Inequality Explanations and External Efficacy

  • Joe GREENWOOD-HAU (Creator)



Replication data and do files for the results presented in the Frontiers article titled 'The System Works Fine: The Positive Relationship between Emphasis on Individual Explanations for Inequality and External Political Efficacy', by Joe Greenwood-Hau.

The 2002 American National Election Study (ANES) data used in the study is publicly available via the ANES website (linked to below). Variables not used in the analyses were removed from the data, whilst variables used in the analyses were recoded. All of the recoding for the variables used in the analyses is available in the relevant replication file below (

This is a revised version of the earlier 'Inequality Explanations and Internal Efficacy' dataset record linked to on this record.
Date made available1 Jul 2021
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Temporal coverage17 Mar 2014 - 17 Apr 2014
Date of data production17 Apr 2014
Geographical coverageUnited States and Great Britain

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