Historical hindcasts of monthly bed shear stress on the North West European Continental Shelf (updated versions)



Historical hindcasts of mean monthly bed shear stress at a horizontal resolution of 0.125 by 0.125 degrees for the North West European Continental Shelf.

Bed shear stress was initially calculated at 15 minute intervals using the equations of Soulsby and Clarke (2005) using the R package for bed shear stress calculations available at https://github.com/r4ecology/bedshear.

Time series are available for 1997-2017 and 1900-2009.

The 1997-2017 data product uses the ERA-interim reanalysis for wave inputs and a climatology of tidal velocities from the Scottish Shelf Model as inputs.

The 1900-2009 data product uses the ERA-20C reanalysis for wave inputs and a climatology of tidal velocities from the Scottish Shelf Model as inputs.

Datasets are available as netcdf files.

These datasets are updated versions (post-peer review and journal acceptance) of earlier products associated with the discussion document version of the related publication "Increasing turbidity in the North Sea during the 20th century due to changing wave climate"
Date made available29 Nov 2019
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Temporal coverage1 Jan 1900 - 31 Dec 2017
Geographical coverageNorth West European Continental Shelf

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