Healthy young participant data for a variety of different activities



20 young healthy individuals carried out a variety of different activities. This data was collected using two types of sensors; Research device and MotionSense. The data is contained within different folders which are labelled with an H__ this is the participant ID. Each participants data is held within their ID folder. Within this folder there is a number of subfolders which hold the data captured from the different sensors, and the data captured from Vicon for these different activities. There is also a folder that time synchronises the sensors data with the Vicon in order to get an exact match in data and minimise the lag within the data. This data is held within the folder ''TimeSynchData''. The research devices data is saved in a .mat format, while Vicon, TimeSynchData and MotionSense are all saved as csv files.

The file SensorPosition is a csv file that links the patients ID with the side of the leg that the sensors were attached to.
Furthermore, the folder graphs, hols a variety of different graphs produced from running the data through matlab code.
Date made available4 Mar 2024
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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