GLOW Survey



This document presents an analysis of the data collected from 639 surveys based on social identity theory (SIT), social practice theory (SPT), and rhythm parameters. Parameters that have been demonstrated below include:

Demographic data include the city where they live, home ownership, gender, age groups, employment status, occupancy, and type of home.

Social identity data include participants’ sense of belonging to their neighbourhoods, the level of neighbourhood issues that matter to them, their social strength (social reach (number of neighbours that they know), frequency of meeting neighbours, talking about energy with their neighbours, share information about energy with their neighbours, and help neighbours).

Social practice data include responsibility for managing energy (individual or shared), the responsibility for adjusting energy (individual or shared), adjusting energy (heating), number of appliances, checking & monitoring energy use, peak load shifting (in their home), peak load shifting (in their neighbourhoods), and the importance of energy saving.

Rhythm data include how spending time during the week (most of the time at home or away from home, making dinner (week), making dinner (weekend), preparing lunch, making breakfast, spatial rhythm (morning), spatial rhythm (daytime), spatial rhythm (evening).
Date made available21 Nov 2024
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Geographical coverageGlasgow, Bristol

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