Experiences of Bereavement and Self-harm among Adolescents in Scotland, 2019-2020



This dataset contains qualitative and quantitative data (in .docx, .sav, and .xlsx formats) from an interview study with young people, with the purpose of exploring qualitative experiences of bereavement among adolescents in Scotland, as well as experiences with self-harm thoughts or behaviours.

Some data with potentially identifying information have been redacted from the interview transcripts and self-harm questionnaire responses in order to preserve the anonymity of participants. Further information and a list of variable names and descriptions from which quantitative data have been redacted are provided at the end of the accompanying README file.

External deposit with the UK Data Archive. The UK Data Archive has granted a dissemination embargo. The embargo will end on 14 July 2022 and the data will then be available in accordance with the access level selected.
Date made available15 Jul 2021
Date of data production2019 - 2020

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