This dataset focusses on the importance of 3D in vitro models as a bridge between 2D cellular monolayers and in vivo models. It uses surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) to detect and locate shell isolated AuNPs inside multicellular tumour spheroids (MTS). The work investigates the various factors that hinder AuNP uptake in 3D MTS using both SERS and immunohistochemistry.
McCabe, S. (Creator), Faulds, K. (Supervisor) (19 Jun 2023). Evaluating Nanoparticle Localisation in Glioblastoma Multicellular Tumour Spheroids by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. University of Strathclyde. For_PURE(.zip). 10.15129/1e94403e-31a4-432d-9bdd-7a1b8ff75cc8