Designing Future X-ray FELs



Powerpoint and pdf files of content presented and discussed at the Workshop: Designing Future X-ray FELs, Daresbury Laboratory, UK.

The Free Electron Laser is a unique source of coherent radiation, able to operate into the hard X-ray and opening up new windows of scientific exploration.

However, X-ray FELs are still in the first stages of their development with orders of magnitude improvements still achievable before theoretical limits are reached. Many new ideas to improve FELs towards these limits are being proposed. They can be difficult to model analytically and require significant numerical modelling, often requiring the use of many different codes and High Performance Computing. This workshop will bring together those proposing the new ideas and the numerical code developers to examine the state-of-the-art and find new ways forward.
Date made available25 Oct 2016
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production31 Aug 2016 - 2 Sept 2016

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