Demonstration application for the real-time interpolator for parametric curves Ver1.1

  • Wenbin Zhong (Creator)



The authors have developed two applications for readers to test the Real-time Interpolator algorithms. Those algorithms are implemented in the RTIPC.exe Windows application. It can interpret the specified G-code and generate the interpolated points, which can be sent to servo system to control axes motions.

The IntDataVisu.m is a Matlab program, it is used to visualize the output file from RTIPC.exe. It helps readers to analyze the characteristics of the Real-time Interpolator with user-friendly figures.

Full documentation is available in the PDF file provided in the zip file. Please note that this is the updated version 1.1 dataset.
Date made available20 Nov 2017
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production17 Oct 2017

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