Many of the figures in this paper were produced by analytical calculations, hence no data was produced. The exception to this is Fig. 5 and that data set is included here. The Det files contain the x-axis data, Pow files the y-axis data. .a,.b,.c file name end corresponds to the data for panels (a), (b), (c) of Fig. 5. Files are in .mat format, readable with matlab.
Hill, L. (Creator), Oppo, G. (Data Collector), Woodley, M. (Data Collector), Del Bino, L. (Contributor), Del'Haye, P. (Supervisor), Silver, J. M. (Contributor), Copie, F. (Contributor), Zhang, S. (Contributor) (6 Jan 2021). Data for: "Universal symmetry-breaking dynamics for the Kerr interaction of counterpropagating light in dielectric ring resonators". University of Strathclyde. Det(a.mat), Det(b.mat), Det(c.mat), Pow(a.mat), Pow(b.mat), Pow(c.mat). 10.15129/395d8539-9633-4d06-aada-083336056669