Data for: "Unexpected Nickel Complex Speciation Unlocks Alternative Pathways for the Reactions of Alkyl Halides with dppf-Nickel(0)"



This dataset contains: NMR spectroscopic data for the characterisation of compounds and for the time-resolved kinetic study of their reactions; and GC-FID data for related reactions. The former is provided in Bruker Topspin format but the 'fid' file can be opened using any third party NMR processing software. GC-FID data are provided in PDF format because the raw data are in a proprietary format, but the PDF data provide the raw data that was used for calculations and to draw conclusions in the study.
Date made available27 Aug 2020
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Oct 2017 - 21 Aug 2020

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