Data for: “Tuneable wide-field illumination and single-molecule photoswitching with a single MEMS mirror”



This dataset supports the publication “Tuneable wide-field illumination and single-molecule photoswitching with a single MEMS mirror” in ACS Photonics (2021).

The dataset is composed of tif image files acquired with an emCCD camera (iXon Life 888, Andor) using the manufacturer software (Andor Solis).
Each sample dataset is divided into three files of no more than 2Gb, i.e. "name1_X1.tif", "name1_X2".tif, name1_X3 consist of a single acquisition. The first frame of name1_X2 follows the last frame of name1_X2.tif.

The data was acquired on 12 February 2021. Data embargo until 31/08/21 or until the related publication is published.
Date made available16 Aug 2021
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production12 Feb 2021

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