contains the script and datasets which recreates the Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 of the paper "Tunable geometries from a sparse quantum spin network" written by the same authors.
Folder Fig3 contains a script and sets of points which are used to create Figure 3 of the paper: :
Written for execution with Python 3.7.3
with external modules:
numpy version 1.16.2
matplotlib version 3.0.3
Recreates two figures ((a) and (b)) on Figure 3.
k.csv :
Contains all the values of momentum between 0 and 2pi that were computed (not necessary to be plotted).
W_*.csv :
File with "PWR2" contains the value of Weierstrass function of PWR2 network (Fig. 3 (a)).
File with "JN" contains the value of generalized sparse coupling model with interaction only occurs between the sites separated by the distances that are member of Jacobsthal Numbers (Fig. 3 (b)).
index 0 is -1.2
index 1 is -1.0
index 2 is -0.8
Folder Fig4 contains a script and sets of points which are used to create Figure 4 of the paper.,, and :
written for execution with Python 3.7.3
with external modules:
numpy: version 1.16.2
matplotlib: version 3.0.3
Files with "sites" contain site numbers, corresponding "tbar" files contains the values of the normalized saturation time at the corresponding sites.
Meaning of the integer index on the file names:
For (a)
index 0 is for s=-3
index 1 is for s=3
For (b)
index 0 is for s=-0.5
index 1 is for s=0.5
For (c)
s = 0