Data for: "Transforming LiTMP lithiation of challenging diazines via gallium alkyl trans-metal-trapping"



The data set contains four files. These data relate to the research reported in the manuscript, “Transforming LiTMP lithiation of challenging diazines via gallium alkyl trans-metal-trapping” which has been published in Angewandte Chemie.
The work was carried out in relation to the EPSRC grant, “Towards a paradigm shift in the principles and practice of polar organometallic chemistry” (EP/N011384/1), PI: Professor Eva Hevia; CI: Professor Robert E. Mulvey; and the European Research Council award (ERC-StG, MixMetApps) PI: Professor Eva Hevia; RA: Marina Uzelac.
This chemistry can have important development implications in the field of aromatic and heteroaromatic functionalization. The investigation pioneers a new trans-metal-trapping (TMT) protocol based on a mixture of LiTMP (the base) and tris(trimethylsilylmethyl)gallium [Ga(CH2SiMe3)3, GaR3] (the trap) that, operating in a stepwise manner, is effective for the regioselective deprotonation of sensitive diazines in hydrocarbon solution as illustrated through reactions of three synthetically important diazines, namely pyrazine, pyridazine and pyrimidine, as well as through the well-known nitrogen-sulfur heterocycle benzothiazole. Providing valuable structural insight, all the metallo-activated complexes of these nitrogen heterocycles have been isolated and crystallographically characterized. Preliminary electrophilic quenching reactions have also been carried out.

1. General Procedures.
2. NMR data 9a zip file containing data for 8 compounds.
3. CIF check (for X-ray crystallographic data).
4. MU_diazine_all.cif (for X-ray crystallographic data).
Note that the NMR data file (2) containing raw data requires a specialist program such as Topspin or Mestrelab for opening; and the raw X-ray crystallographic data in file (4) requires a program such as Mercury, ORTEP-3, etc.
Date made available2016
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2016 -

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