Data for thesis: "Socioeconomic status and primary-aged children’s achievement in mathematics: the role of educational psychology in understanding and addressing variables which mitigate the impact of relative poverty" (P7 Standardised assessment data)

  • Douglas Coogan HUTCHISON (Creator)
  • Clare Daly (Supervisor)



P7_standardised_test_data_2017 dataset contains standardised test results for 1,085 11-12 year old children tested in general maths; mental arithmetic; reading and general ability. The dataset includes demographic markers. The anonymised data is set out in an Excel spreadsheet.
MALS_T1 and T2 is raw data for Myself As A Learner survey for three groups of 8-9 year old children completed pre and post intervention (T1 and T2). The data are anonymised and set out in an Excel spreadsheet.
MAAQ T1 and T2 is raw data for Maths Attitude and Anxiety Questionnaire completed by three groups of 8-9 year old children pre and post intervention (T1 and T2). The data are anonymised and set out in an Excel spreadsheet.
POM_1_138_raw_for_PCA is raw data from Perceptions of Maths survey completed by 138 primary teachers. The data are anonymised and set out on an Excel spreadsheet.
Date made available7 Jul 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2017 - 2023

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