Data for thesis: "Development of alternative thermomechanical processing techniques to improve forging outcomes of cast peritectic TiAl alloys"

  • Sean Peters (Creator)
  • Paul Blackwell (Supervisor)
  • Marcos Perez (Supervisor)



The data stored here was used to evaluate the effect of alternative thermomechanical processing sequences on the cast microstructure of two peritectic solidifying, titanium aluminide alloys. By maintaining constant compression conditions these pre-compression microstructures were assessed for their influence on the compression behaviour and the resulting post-compression microstructures, with a view to facilitating secondary processing of alloys 45XD (Ti-44.31Al-1.93Nb-2.93Mn-0.87B at%) and 4822 (Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr at.%) .

Data is to be read together with the thesis "Development of alternative thermomechanical processing techniques to improve forging outcomes of cast peritectic TiAl alloys"
This dataset includes;
-Calculated phase diagram (CALPHAD) for 45XD and 4822 alloy from PANDAT commercial software
-SEM/BSE images using Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using an FEI Quanta-250 with field-emission gun, with back-scattered electron (BSE) detector fitted, using an accelerating voltage of 20 kV and a working height of 10 mm for imaging
-EBSD data, as CTF files, collected together with the above SEM setup, a NordlysNano electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) system acquired crystallographic data. The EBSD was setup with an acquisition time of 120mS, 0.5 μm step size, with 90% of scanned areas indexed as a minimum.
-Energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) mapping for elemental analysis using the same set up for SEM as above but in EDS mode.
-MATLAB code for reading EBSD data
-Cyclic heat treatment pyrometer temperature monitoring data
-Compression data from Zwick-Roell Z150 material testing rig. Together with a record of dimensions and images of compression samples, as well as temperature monitoring during compression.

Embargo end date 31/07/23
Date made available21 Jul 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Jan 2020 - 1 Mar 2023

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