Data for: "Thermal dynamics of 2-axis electrothermal MEMS micromirrors"



The dataset contains measurement data and simulation data for a thermal 2D MEMS scanner.

The simulated data consists of thermal simulations done in Comsol 4.2a, with the extracted step response times for a temperature change of MEMS actuators summarised in a Origin file .opj

The measurement data consists of:
- Measurements of the MEMS scan angles (summarised in file "170421 - S58 10um 2 thermal - bare mirror movement summary.xls")
- Measurements of MEMS temperature distributions using a FLIR SC7000 thermal camera (example image for 5V actuation of a single actuator in "HDR Max 5.fig")
- Measurements of the step response of the MEMS scanner (example step responses in "step response figure v2.fig" and "step response figure down v2.fig" and full summary of extracted step responses in "190425 - 2D representation of rise and fall times actuator A")
Date made available6 Jun 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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