Data for: "Suspension and transfer printing of ZnCdMgSe membranes from an InP substrate"



This dataset corresponds to the work “Suspension and Transfer Printing of ZnCdMgSe Membranes from an InP Substrate”. The files “Episide AFM.csv” and “Etch side AFM.csv” correspond to the atomic force microscope measurements displayed in Figure 4a and b, respectively, of the paper. Both data sets have been shifted by a constant value in the height axis, z, to ensure a positive scale and in Figure 4 the colour scale has been carefully chosen to show the height range of the surface topography. “Membrane vs wafer PL at 3_6 MW_m-2.csv”, “Wafer IDPL.csv” and “Membrane IDPL.csv” correspond to the plots of the photoluminescence data shown in Figure 5a, b and c respectively.
Date made available11 Nov 2020
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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