Data for "Sub-100 ps monolithic diamond Raman laser emitting at 573 nm"

  • Vasili Savitski (Creator)
  • Alan Kemp (Contributor)
  • Lukasz Dziechciarczyk (Contributor)
  • Sean Reilly (Contributor)
  • Jari Nikkinen (Contributor)
  • Antti Härkönen (Contributor)
  • Mircea Guina (Contributor)



The names of the *.dat files correspond to figure numbers in the manuscript and the parameters modelled. The first row in each column indicates the axis name in the figure. The second row in each column indicates the units. The third row in each column indicate the focal distance of the lens in mm. These datasets are the results of modelling carried out in the University of Strathclyde. There are total 3 data files. These were created for the purposes of the European Research Council (278389, 727738); UK EPSRC (EP/P00041X/1, EP/L015315/1); Fraunhofer UK Research Ltd.; Royal Academy of Engineering
Date made available18 Jan 2018
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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