Data for: "Single-frequency optical parametric oscillator intracavity-pumped by a visible VECSEL for low-noise down-conversion to 1.55 μm"



The dataset presented here corresponds to the experimental data reported in the manuscript "Single-frequency optical parametric oscillator intracavity-pumped by a visible VECSEL for low-noise down-conversion to 1.55 μm" to be published in Optics Express ( The following manuscript describes the design and operation of the first optical parametric oscillator (OPO) pumped by a visible (red) AlGaInP-based vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting-laser (VECSEL) with emission at 690.6 nm; of interest for quantum optics experiments and quantum light state applications. Firstly, it includes the VECSEL fundamental tuning performance (plotted in Fig. 1b) and the (resolution-limited) full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) linewidth of the VECSEL emission at 690.6 nm (plotted in Fig. 1b, inset). Secondly, the normalized intensity spectra of the VECSEL fundamental, and OPO signal (1245.2 nm) and idler (1550.8 nm) are plotted (see Fig. 2a) as well as the tuning characteristics of the OPO (plotted in Fig. 2b). Thirdly, in the absence of resonant idler output-coupling, the OPO power and conversion efficiency is characterized (plotted in Fig. 3a) as well the intracavity VECSEL power when the OPO is switched "on" and switched "off" (plotted in Fig. 3b). Alternatively, in the presence of resonant idler output-coupling, Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b present the OPO power transfer and OPO conversion and extraction efficiencies, respectively. When the OPO is pumped by the multi-longitudinal-mode VECSEL, we demonstrate a (short-term) passive power stability of the VECSEL fundamental over 5 ms (plotted in Fig. 5a) and a (long-term) passive power stability of the OPO signal output over 4000 s (plotted in Fig. 5b). On top of that, Fig. 6 shows the normalized Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) transmission traces and reference cavity PZT voltages as a function of time for the VECSEL fundamental, and OPO signal and idler; providing the first direct evidence of single-frequency (longitudinal-mode) operation of an OPO pumped by a VECSEL laser. Finally, the passive power stability results of the single-frequency VECSEL-pumped OPO (plotted in Fig. 7) are presented over a timescale of 500 s.
Date made available21 Dec 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Temporal coverage28 Feb 2021 - 14 Aug 2023

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