Data generated using the turbulence simulator developed in the publication 'Simulation of Anisoplanatic Turbulence for Images and Videos'. The dataset is split into three sub-datasets: Train, Val and Test. Each containing turbulent videos and their corresponding ground truth. The data was simulated using a diverse set of input parameters, described in the publication.
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Vint, D. (Creator), Di Caterina, G. (Supervisor) (28 Jul 2023). Data for: "Simulation of Anisoplanatic Turbulence for Images and Videos". University of Strathclyde. Validation(.tar), Train_GT(.tar), Test(.tar), Train_LQ_1(.tar), Train_LQ_2(.tar), SimulationParameters(.xlsx). 10.15129/1adfbe5c-68f0-49f1-9bad-e64872f9f582