Data for: "Rubidium and caesium aluminyls: synthesis, structures, and reactivity in C-H bond activation of benzene"



This work is associated with the epsrc project "Bespoke Bimetallics for Chemical Cooperativity" (award number EP/S029788/1). The data is provided in 5 separate files. These cover NMR raw data, synthetic procedures, X-ray raw data for the rubidium structure; X-ray raw data for the caesium structure, and a combined CIF for both structures.

Note that specialist programs are required to view the raw data provided: the NMR data in requires a program such as Topspin or Mestrelab to view. The X-ray crystallographic information requires a program such as Mercury or Diamond.
Date made available20 Dec 2021
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production15 Jul 2021 - 21 Sept 2021

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