Data for: Responses of marine phytoplankton communities to environmental changes: new insights from a niche classification scheme

  • Wupeng Xiao (Contributor)
  • Edward A. Laws (Contributor)
  • Yuyuan Xie (Contributor)
  • Lei Wang (Contributor)
  • Xin Liu (Contributor)
  • Jixin Chen (Contributor)
  • Bingzhang Chen (Contributor)
  • Bangqin Huang (Creator)



A dataset that contains mean values of total chlorophyll a (iTChla), relative abundances of nine phytoplankton groups (iDino: dinoflagellates, iDiat: diatoms, iHapt_8: haptophytes_8, iHapt_6: haptophytes_6, iChlo: chlorophytes, iCryp: cryptophytes, iProc: Prochlorococcus, iSyne: Synechococcus, and iPras: prasinophytes), and three environmental factors (iTemp: temperature, Em: irradiance, and iNOx: nitrate) in the upper mixed layer of the South China Sea.

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Date made available11 May 2023
PublisherMendeley Data
Date of data production2019

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