This data was generated for the publication of a research article with the same title and investigates the effect of a number of drugs targeting lipid metabolism on cellular lipid levels as potential anti-cancer agents using Raman spectroscopy. Raman data was taken using a Renishaw inVia system with Renishaw Wire 4.1 software and is provided in .wdf format as raw data and post processing in Wire 4.1 as well as in .spc format post processing. Live dead staining images were captured on a Nikon Eclipse LV100 microscope with a Photometrics CoolSNAP and images are provided as raw .tif files and processed .jpg files. Fluorescence images for phospholipidosis and steatosis staining were captured on a Leica Microsystems SP8 confocal microscope with LASX software and images are provided in a .lif file and as exported .jpg.
[This is a place-holder record. Active DOI will be minted & data made public on publication of related research output - Data made public and active DOI minted 17/08/18]