Data for: "Quantification of Particle Size and Concentration Using In-line Techniques and Multivariate Analysis"



This dataset contains the data analysed in the manuscript "Quantification of Particle Size and Concentration Using In-line Techniques and Multivariate Analysis" and it contains the follwing subsets:
- a set of volume weighted particle size distributions (PSD) extracted from Mastersizer;
- individual particle characteristics from Morphologi G3 measurements;
- a set of chord length distributions (CLD) from focus beam reflectance measurement (FBRM);
- a set of in-line microscopy images analysed by particle vision measurement (PVM)*

The particle size range analysed by in-line and off-line techniques was: <90, 125-180, 180-250, 250-355, 300-500 and 630-800 um. The particle concentration ranged from 1 to 10 wt.%

*The dataset available for download on this site is a sample of the complete dataset containing 100 images for each experimental condition. The complete dataset is freely available. However, due to its size, approximately 1 TB uncompressed, access should be requested using the contact email provided on this page.
Date made available3 Aug 2020
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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