Data for: "Promoting physical activity among adolescent girls: the Girls in Sport group randomized trial"

  • Anthony D. Okely (Llawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia) (Creator)
  • David R. Lubans (Creator)
  • Philip J. Morgan (Creator)
  • Wayne Cotton (Creator)
  • Louisa Peralta (Creator)
  • Judith Miller (Creator)
  • Marijka J. Batterham (Creator)
  • Xanne Janssen (Contributor)



Abstract Background Slowing the decline in participation in physical activity among adolescent girls is a public health priority. This study reports the outcomes from a multi-component school-based intervention (Girls in Sport), focused on promoting physical activity among adolescent girls. Methods Group randomized controlled trial in 24 secondary schools (12 intervention and 12 control). Assessments were conducted at baseline (2009) and at 18 months post-baseline (2010). The setting was secondary schools in urban, regional and rural areas of New South Wales, Australia. All girls in Grade 8 in 2009 who attended these schools were invited to participate in the study (N = 1769). Using a Health Promoting Schools and Action Learning Frameworks, each school formed a committee and developed an action plan for promoting physical activity among Grade 8 girls. The action plan incorporated strategies in three main areas – i) the formal curriculum, ii) school environment, and iii) home/school/community links – based on the results of formative data from target girls and staff and on individual needs of the school. A member of the research team supported each school throughout the intervention. The main outcome measure was accelerometer-derived total physical activity (TPA) spent in physical activity. Data were analyzed from December 2011 to March 2012. Results 1518 girls (mean age 13.6y ±0.02) were assessed at baseline. There was a significant decline in TPA from baseline to 18-month follow-up with no differences between girls in the intervention and control schools. Only one-third of schools (4/12) implemented the intervention as per their action plan. Per-protocol analyses on these schools revealed a smaller decline in percentage of time spent in MVPA among girls in the intervention group (adjusted difference 0.5%, 95% CI = -0.01, 0.99, P = 0.05). Conclusions The Girls in Sport intervention was not effective in reducing the decline in physical activity among adolescent girls. Lack of implementation by most intervention schools was the main reason for a null effect. Identifying strategies to enhance implementation levels is critical to determining the true potential of this intervention approach. Trial registration This study was retrospectively registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12610001077055 . Date of registration: 7 December 2010.

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Date made available5 Apr 2023
Date of data production2017

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