Data for: "Peroxidase Activity of Myoglobin Variants Reconstituted with Artificial Cofactors"

  • Chao Guo (Creator)
  • Robert Chadwick (Creator)
  • Adam Foulis (Creator)
  • Giada Bedendi (Creator)
  • Andriy Lubskyy (Creator)
  • Kyle J. Rodriguez (Creator)
  • Michela M. Pellizzoni (Creator)
  • Ross D. Milton (Creator)
  • Rebecca Beveridge (Creator)
  • Nico Bruns (Creator)



The data set contains CD spectra, ICP-MS data, native MS data, redox potential measurements, data of enzyme kinetic assays, and UV-vis spectra of the experiments presented and discussed in the Research Article: Guo, C.; Chadwick, R. J.; Foulis, A.; Bedendi, G.; Lubskyy, A.; Rodriguez, K. J.; Pellizzoni, M. M.; Milton, R. D.; Beveridge, R.; Bruns, N.. Peroxidase Activity of Myoglobin Variants Reconstituted with Artificial Cofactors. ChemBioChem 2022, 23, e2022001.

The data has been deposited as text files or CSV files of the raw data wherever possible.
Date made available15 Mar 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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