Data for: "Origin of Red Emission in β-Ga2O3 Analysed by Cathodoluminescence and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy"

  • Naresh Gunasekar (Creator)
  • Paul Edwards (Creator)
  • Hazel MacIntyre (Creator)
  • Robert Martin (Creator)
  • Krishnamurthy Daivasigamani (Sponsor)
  • Kohei Sasaki (Sponsor)
  • Shanthi Subashchandran (Contributor)
  • Aikito Kuramata (Sponsor)



This data is for room temperature cathodoluminescence and temperature dependent photoluminescence of Fe, Sn, Si and un doped beta gallium oxide crystals.
Room temperature CL is performed in an FEI Quanta 250 Schottky variable pressure FEG–SEM using a custom-built CL system. A Cassegrain reflecting objective is used to collect the emitted light, which is dispersed with a 1/8 m focal length spectrometer (Oriel MS125) onto a 1600-channel electron-multiplying charge-coupled device (Andor Newton). The CL is excited by an electron beam energy of 5 keV. The CL spectra were obtained using a 400 lines/mm grating and a dwell time of 10 seconds. The CL spectra for the Fe doped sample were recorded in low vacuum mode since the sample was charging under the electron beam.

Low-temperature PL spectroscopy is performed using a custom-built PL system with a closed cycle He cryostat and a 355nm CW laser (Cobolt Zouk) with a maximum power of 20mW as the excitation source. The light emitted from the sample was collected into a 0.67m spectrometer (McPherson 207) with a diffraction grating with 300 lines/mm and dispersed over a cooled CCD (Andor Technology) where each spectrum is collected for 10 seconds.
Date made available14 Oct 2020
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Sept 2019 - 1 May 2020

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